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- Eating Disorders | Barnet Wellbeing
Ushtrimi Ekziston një gamë e madhe e klasave të stërvitjes dhe mësimit që mund të gjenden në internet. Nëse nuk ka asgjë këtu, provo Google. Ju gjithashtu mund të shikoni përfitimet e ushtrimeve këtu dhe të zbuloni se çfarë lloji të ushtrimeve mund të bëni këtu . Ashtu si me të gjithë ushtrimet, duhet pasur kujdes kur provoni diçka të re për herë të parë ose keni një gjendje shëndetësore themelore. Nëse keni dyshime, këshillohuni me një profesionist para se të filloni planin tuaj të ri të fitnesit. Joe Wicks, Traineri i Trupit Duke filluar nga 11 Janari, PE i Fëmijëve është përsëri, tri ditë në javë, të hënën, të martën dhe të mërkurën drejtpërdrejt në The Body Coach TV. Të hënën, të mërkurën dhe të premten në 9 të mëngjesit. Hyni këtu Shikoni videot e tij në YouTube për të rritur të arsyeshëm këtu. Gjithmonë filloni seancën tuaj me një seancë për ngrohjen e trupit NHS seancë ngrohëse 10 minutëshe Sesioni i ngrohjes 6 minutash i NHS Punë të jashtme - NHS stërvitje 10 minutëshe 10 minuta stërvitje kardio në shtëpi Stërvitje në shtëpi për 10 minuta, këmbët, dhe gunga Stërvitje për tonifikimin në shtëpi 10 minutëshe Stërvitje për 10 minuta në abs Stërvitje për tonifikimin në shtëpi 10 minutëshe Stërvitje 10-minutëshe e krahëve të sipërm Stërvitje e fortë në prapanicë 10 minutëshe Klasa pa palestër Të tjera - stërvitje Katër stërvitje Bupa për të bërë në shtëpi Punoni planet Plani 12 javor i NHS Gjimnastikë dhe vallëzim Video gjimnastikë për fillestarët Videoja e stërvitjes së barkut Video ushtrim kërcimi La Bomba Videoja e stërvitjes nga zgjimi Njerëz të moshuar Ushtrime të thjeshta në shtëpi për të moshuarit Mosha Mbretëria e Bashkuar / ushtrime të thjeshta Ushtrim i bazuar në karrige Pilates dhe Joga Pilates Niveli 1 (Niveli: Fillestar) Pilates pizhame (Niveli: Mesatar) Pilates me bazë karrige (Niveli: Fillestar) Pilates me dhimbje shpine (Niveli: Fillestar) Pilates me probleme në gju (Niveli: Fillestar) Pilates me artrit (Niveli: Fillestar) Pilates me skoliozë (Niveli: Fillestar) Pilates me osteoporozë (Niveli: Fillestar) Pilates me MS dhe fibromialgji (Niveli: Fillestar) Beditation Joga para dhe pas lindjes (Niveli: Fillestar) Yoga me LJ (Niveli: Fillestar) Klasat në internet të Yogës Rex Pacheco - Shkarkoni aplikacionin Zoom për të hyrë në këto klasa. Vrapimi - NHS Vrapimi Vraponi me Couch në 5K Shtrihuni në podkastë që ekzekutojnë 5K Shtrat për 5K podkaste drejtuese Shtrat për 5K plus podkaste drejtuese Forca dhe Rezistenca Stërvitje abs (Niveli: Mesatar) Stërvitje për këmbët (Niveli: Mesatar) Stërvitje e belit (Niveli: Mesatar) Stërvitje armësh (Niveli: Mesatar) Tonizimi i Bum (Niveli: Mesatar) Ftohja (Niveli: Mesatar) Back to self-help
- Past Events | Barnet Wellbeing
Service Events Materials Hub Connections Hub Connections is a quarterly event hosted by the Barnet Wellbeing Service, where service users, service providers, health commissioners and other stakeholders come together to showcase and celebrate general wellbeing, as well as the voluntary and community services which support Barnet residents. We're looking forward to our next Hub Connections event and will be posting the new dates and details soon. Cancer Awareness in Barnet In May 2021, a new local campaign was launched in Barnet to encourage individuals who have symptoms that may be suggestive of cancer to contact their GP practice. Delivered by the North Central London Cancer Alliance in collaboration with the NCL Clinical Commissioning Group and council Public Health team, the campaign aimed to increase the number of people taking part in screening when invited. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month September marked Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. We worked with Public Health Barnet to bring a series of virtual presentations and talks focusing on suicide prevention delivered by various individuals and organisations throughout the month. You can rewatch the presentations here Self-Care Week November 2020 We hosted this event with over 90 participants in the autumn of 2020 in support of the North Central London Clinical commissioning group. We aimed to encourage and empower residents to learn more about taking care of themselves and their families. You can view the presentation here . Zero Suicide Alliance Lunch & Learn In partnership with Public Health, we hosted our Zero Suicide Alliance Lunch & Learn in November 2022. With over 100 attendees, we heard from a range of guest speakers who aided us in reflecting on and learning about suicide prevention in Barnet. The online event also included Zero Suicide Alliance training, helping participants have a potentially life-saving conversation with a loved one, colleague or stranger in crisis. You can rewatch the presentation here. Blood Donation Community Project We have partnered with the NHS to engage with Black communities in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Islington, Hackney & Waltham Forest to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation. The NHS is running critically low on blood donation from Black donors? Due to pressures from COVID-19 figures show that approximately 16,000 more blood donors are needed to meet the demand for those suffering from Sickle Cell Disease that requires life-saving transfusion. Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 May marked Mental Health Awareness Week, with the theme being Nature and how connecting with the natural world benefits our mental health. We hosted a variety of events and activities throughout the week with daily video messages.
- Perinatal Mental Health Support | Barnet Wellbeing
Mbështetje Perinatale e Shëndetit Mendor Cfare eshte Homestart Barnet ofron shërbimin perinatal për nënat dhe partnerët e tyre për të marrë mbështetje psikologjike gjatë dhe deri në 1 vit pas shtatzënisë nga një sërë shërbimesh të shëndetit mendor dhe mirëqenies NHS. Shërbimi i shëndetit mendor perinatal ofron mbështetje praktike dhe në internet, duke përfshirë kujdesin për nënën dhe foshnjën, këshillat për ushqyerjen me gji dhe aksesin në uebinar dhe mësimin në internet. Si mund të më ndihmojë? Shërbimi mund t'ju ofrojë mbështetje për të hyrë në shëndetin mendor, abuzimin e substancave dhe shërbimet e Dhunës në Familje aty ku kërkohet dhe do të punojë ngushtë me mamitë, mjekët e përgjithshëm, vizitorët e shëndetit dhe qendrat e fëmijëve. Si mund ta përdor atë? Aksesi në shërbime bëhet me referim nga mamia juaj, vizitori i shëndetit, mjeku i përgjithshëm ose një profesionist i kujdesit shoqëror. Ju mund t'i referoheni vetvetiu disa shërbimeve, duke përfshirë Barnet Home-Start HSBBEH. Nëse po përjetoni një krizë të shëndetit mendor, ju lutemi telefononi në 0300 0200 500 | 020 8702 4040. Kontaktoni GP tuaj ose profesionistin e kujdesit shoqëror për një rekomandim
- Service videos | Barnet Wellbeing
Seher and Rory Health Champions Trimmed 00:00 / 15:08 "The role of Covid-19 Health Champions in improving mental health and wellbeing" In conversation with Seher Kayikci, Public Health and Rory Cooper, Health Champion
- Annual Reports | Barnet Wellbeing
Raportet Vjetore Gjeni se çfarë ka shërbyer Shërbimi i Mirëqenies. Ju lutemi klikoni në imazhin më poshtë për të lexuar raportin.
- New Page | Barnet Wellbeing
Wellbeing Matters Welcome to Wellbeing Matters, the newsletter from the Barnet Wellbeing Service Wellbeing Matters brings you fun and helpful ideas and articles to keep you cheerful and informed. For lots of information about what is available through the Wellbeing Service, click here to have a look at the new Barnet Wellbeing Service Website CB Plus Primary Care Group CB Plus Primary Care Group are looking for volunteers to join us. Our volunteers are dedicated to improving primary care services for patients in Barnet, if you are interested, please visit their webpage for more information. The group work on several projects throughout the year, one of these include raising awareness of the GP IPSOS survey, allowing patients to have a say in how their GP is performing. Please find more details below of the project below. In the Spring, the PCG asked Barnet residents to complete MiniPoll 1 regarding how aware they were of the annual IPSOS GPSurvey which asks patients to rate their own surgery. The PCG Mini Poll 1 found out that whilst 90% of residents said they were interested in knowing their surgery’s rating, only 17% knew of the Survey’s existence and only 11% knew how their surgery rated in relation to others in their ssarea. Mini Poll 2, still totally anonymous, extends our awareness raising exercise through face-to-face interviews and electronic polls. Mini Poll 2 includes 2 different questions from the first Poll. We are looking for all Barnet residents to answer this poll, particularly If you answered our first Poll! Your response will allow us to evaluate the difference our campaign has made: Mini Poll (2) How is your GP Surgery Doing? (ONLY for Barnet residents or patients with a GP Practice in Barnet borough) See E version here. These results will be fed back to IPSOS as Barnet’s patient voice. This continues your opportunity to be part of positive change! Each Newsletter, we bring you 5 activities or ideas based upon the 5 ways of Wellbeing.
- Hub Connections | Barnet Wellbeing
Acerca de Join us on the 10th of October Our next Hub Connections event is approaching! Join us for an empowering event in celebration of World Mental Health Day. This years theme is about making mental health a universal human right. Prepare to be inspired by heartfelt talks from service users and expert speakers. Gain invaluable wellbeing advice from trusted organisations, and connect and engage with our supportive community. This Hub Connections event promises meaningful discussions on the diverse impacts of mental health. Secure your spot now. It's completely free! Register Here
- Severe Mental Illness: Free Physical Health Checks | Barnet Wellbeing
Severe Mental Illness: Free Physical Health Checks The Barnet Wellbeing Service is encouraging people living with mental health conditions to have regular annual health checks provided by their GP. It is recommended by NHS England that these health checks happen once every year as they can reduce the risk of developing physical illnesses. We would like to invite you to book your physical health check. At a physical health check, the GP will: Check your blood pressure. Measure your height and weight. Test your blood glucose for risk of diabetes. Check your blood cholesterol levels. And ask some questions about any smoking or alcohol habits. Your physical health is just as important as your mental health. We will be at various locations in Barnet to engage with the public, promoting the importance of this message - details of which will be published here and across our social media channels. Please email our Health and Wellbeing Manager Kolsum if you have any questions or would like to support this project in any way.
- Suicide Prevention Awareness Month | Barnet Wellbeing
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month September marks Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, with World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September. We are working with Public Health Barnet to bring a series of virtual presentations and talks focusing on suicide prevention delivered by various individuals and organisations throughout the month. See below for all scheduled events and links to register. Week 1 Metropolitan Police - Role of the Police Wednesday, September 8th 10 AM (Click here to register) Suicide Prevention Officer Peter Frost PC talks through the Metropolitan Police Service’s role in suicide prevention, detailing their new strategy. Andy's Man Club Workshop Thursday, September 9th 10 AM (Join with Google Meet) Join by phone 020 3937 1356 (PIN: 890520474) Hear from Andy's Man Club about their work providing men with spaces to talk about their mental health openly. Andy's Man Club takes its name from Andrew Roberts, a man who sadly took his own life aged 23 in early 2016. Andy’s family had no inkling that he was suffering or struggling to the extent that he would do this, and as a result, looked deeper into male suicide and men’s mental health. They soon discovered that male suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50, with Male Mental Health surrounded by well-ingrained cultural stigma in the UK. Elaine Roberts and Luke Ambler are Andy’s Mum and Brother-in-Law, together they came up with the idea of Andy's Man Club, a group where men aged 18 and above can speak openly about their mental health in a judgment-free, non-clinical, confidential environment. Groups now operate nationwide and are completely volunteer-led, with the vast majority of group facilitators having first interacted with Andy's Man Club when they came through the door as a service user. Please note that whilst their support groups are for men only, this presentation is open to men and women. WE ARE HUMMINGBIRD Thursday, September 9th 12:30 PM (Click here to register) WE ARE HUMMINGBIRD are a community of music lovers who have united to spread awareness of mental health by using music as a platform to encourage people to open up and engage in conversation. Week 2 Week 3 Autism and Suicide Tuesday, September 14th 10 AM (Click here to register ) A pre-recorded presentation from Mencap. Rethink - Support After Suicide Wednesday, September 15th 10 AM (Click here to register ) A presentation from Rethink on their Support After Suicide Service , for people who have been bereaved by suicide who live, work or study in the five North Central London boroughs of Camden, Islington, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. Mental Health & Suicide Support Workshop Wednesday, September 15th 3 PM (Click here to register ) Maytree Respite Centre Presentation Wednesday, September 22nd 2:00 PM (Click here to register) Maytree is a residential respite centre for those who are feeling suicidal. Community Outreach Officer Sadia Ahmed outlines their services, including a free four-night, five-day stay for adults, with the opportunity to be heard in complete confidence in a caring, safe environment. The Listening Place Presentation Thursday, September 23rd 2:30 PM (Click here to register) Hear about the work The Listening Place does in providing a space for those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts, plans and actions. Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) Friday, September 24th 10 AM (Click here to register) Hear about the work SOBS does to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people who have been bereaved by suicide. Barnet Covid 19 Bereavement Service Presentation Friday, September 24th 1 PM (Click here to register ) Recommended Material Under the Surface -CALM Podcast The Word on Wellbeing - By Meridian Wellbeing Let’s Talk about Suicide Prevention - Mental Health Foundation Podcast Movember - Be a man of more words
- Yoga | Barnet Wellbeing
Të rinjtë Barnet lulëzojnë Cfare eshte BYPT ofron dy shërbime, uebinarë për mirëqenien për studentët e Universitetit Middlesex dhe shërbime mbështetëse të shëndetit mendor për të rinjtë e moshës 16-25 vjeç që kalojnë në moshën e rritur si pjesë e Shërbimit të Mirëqenies Barnet. Universiteti Middlesex - BYPT ofron uebinarë interaktivë virtualë për një sërë temash për të ndihmuar studentët të menaxhojnë shëndetin dhe mirëqenien e tyre emocionale. Këto uebinarë me temë 60 minutëshe synojnë të ndihmojnë studentët të kuptojnë se si mund të ndikohet shëndeti i tyre mendor gjatë kësaj pandemie Covid-19, të njohin shenjat dhe simptomat e zakonshme dhe të mësojnë mënyra për të përballuar dhe ndërtuar qëndrueshmërinë. Barnet 16- 25 ofron mbështetje për shëndetin mendor për të rinjtë e moshës 18-25 vjeç të cilët luftojnë me shëndet të dobët mendor të shoqëruar me çrregullime të lehta ankthi të moderuara, por nuk plotësojnë pragun e shërbimeve për të rritur. Si mund të më ndihmojë? Punëtoritë dhe 121 seanca sigurojnë një kohë dhe hapësirë për të folur në lidhje me shqetësimet që mund të kaloni. Kjo hapësirë do të jetë konfidenciale dhe jo-gjykuese Bazuar në CBT seanca terapie 1-2-1 Seanca psikoedukimi në grup, dhe Webinar të mirëqenies konfidenciale të drejtuar nga një udhëheqës; të mbështesë problemet e zakonshme të shëndetit mendor të tilla si ankthi, humori i ulët, izolimi, shqetësimi, stresi, plus vetë-kujdesi. Një vesh që dëgjon dhe tregon shenja drejt shërbimeve të përshtatshme Si mund ta përdor atë? Një mjek i përgjithshëm, një agjenci mund t'ju referojë, ose ju mund të vetë-referoheni duke përdorur këtë formular 0208 364 8400 | email |
- Zero Suicide Alliance Lunch & Learn | Barnet Wellbeing
Thank you to everyone who helped us hold important, meaningful, and sensitive conversations at our Zero Suicide Alliance Lunch & Learn event. Huge thanks to our guest speakers, especially those who aided us in reflecting on and learning about #suicideprevention . Take a look at the slides from the event below:
- Hub Connections | Barnet Wellbeing
Hub Connections Celebrating World Mental Health ‘Make Mental Health a Global Priority’ Thursday 13th September 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Join us at the Church of St Mary Magdalen, 6 Athenaeum Road, N20 9AE* *Please note the change of venue REGISTER HERE We are excited to announce that Hub Connections will be hosting our second live event this year to celebrate World Mental Health Day. The theme this year is ‘Make Mental health a Global’ priority’. We will have speakers from various organisations talking to us about the impact of mental health on our communities. We will also speak about the support available as a result of the rise in the cost of living. This event is to bring us together to showcase the diversity of Barnet. There will be Hot food and refreshments provided on the day. October 13th, 2022, 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM Location: The Church of St Mary Magdalen, 6 Athenaeum Road, N20 9AE* *Please note the change of venue We look forward to seeing you there.